Advantages of Indoor Boat Storage
If you are making a valid attempt to decide if you want to store your boat
inside or not this year you are going to have to consider the advantages. It is
up to you to decide whether you want indoor or outdoor storage for you boat. Both have different options and it is for you to decide which
type you prefer. There are several locations for either that offers you only indoor
or only outdoor storage facilities.In case you require a certain kind of storage for your boat, you would have to weigh the pros and cons of the different storage systems for your boat. Is your boat going to be stored for the winter or do you live in a region that is weather friendly and you will want access to your boat regularly? Regardless of where you live you will find ample indoor as well as outdoor boat storage. It is obviously vital that you select the kind of storage that will provide the maximum protection for you boat.
Actually both indoor and outdoor storage have their own plus and minus points with regard to boat storage. Think about the options for indoor storage. If you choose indoor storage, your boat will be completed protected from the elements and this will cause less damage to your boat in the long run. Some of the boats which are kept in fairly large storage areas can be maintained, repaired and cleaned while they are stationery which is fairly conveniently. Certain indoor facilities offer extra services than others while in storage. However, indoor storage facilities are definitely more expensive than out door.
Think about what you want to pay for the storage and the type of storage that you would need. Do not come to any hasty decisions, but take your time to think about the kind of storage that you would find best. There are spaces available for rent at the marina for your boat storage requirements. Payment terms can be for one whole season or on a monthly basis. A marina situated close to a water body that you often go to is perfect and should be a major consideration before you close a boat storage deal.
There are certain elements to be considered when you choose your boat storage location. You should first consider your own resources before anything else. This alternative, however, entails some considerations such as the manner in which your boat will be kept; easy access to your boat anytime; and the stipulated conditions in renting the place. It is also important that the boat storage facility is protected against harsh weather conditions. There are quite a few options for storage of a boat during the off season months. If you are a new boat owner you may not have yet thought of what you would do with your boat during the long winter seasons. Winter boat storage facilities provide you with protection from severe cold.
There are many types of places that you can store your boat during the winter. There are a range of methods to store a boat, such as storage inside, partially enclosed, covered or simply leaving the boat outside. There are many solutions that could work for the needs of your boat. Winter boat storage options should be dependent on the types of storage you will need in the region. In climates that are at higher altitudes and, therefore, more prone to ice, you will need to store the boat indoors. Your boat's handbook should give you an idea of what your boat requirements for inside or outside storage in the cold months should be. Ultimately, the final decision rests with what type of material your boat is made from.
When considering all your boat storage
options for winter, take the time out to look at several locations to determine
which would offer the most efficient protection for your boat. You could find
that a visit of the storage facility itself is the best way that you may fully
understand what your choices are and what the services are that the facility
has to offer. By making comparisons between several winter boat storage
facilities, you could also decide the location and costs of the storage facilities that best fulfill your overall needs. A good range of options
simply means that you will definitely have a better advantage in attempting to
find a good service at an affordable price, provided you put in the research
If you own a boat that is kept on the water, storing your boat may only be necessary when the weather is bad or when seasons change if you live in a state where the water freezes during the winter time. Perhaps the safest and most secure way to store your boat is to have a boat shed built on the water behind your home. This is probably the most expensive way to store your boat and is not transferable if you move to another home and want to take your boat with you.
Even if you do not live in an area where removing your boat is necessary in the winter, you still have occasions when you want to storeyour boat out of the water. Some of these occasions include when your boat is not in use for any extended length of time, if you keep your boat in an area that has periods where it is closed, and when in climate weather is threatening and an advisory has been sent out saying you need to remove your boat from the water.
Boat storage can be made simple and secure when you know the best places to store your boat and are sure that it will be kept safe and secure while it is there. If you are searching for boat storage, there are a few basic things you should know about where you plan to store your boat before you pay your money and put your boat in someones care.
Before you begin your search for boat storage, determine how long you will need to use the storage and what kind of storage you prefer. For example, there are boat storage areas very close to the water that simply places your boat in a hoist above the water and beneath a shed enclosure that protects it from direct exposure to the climate but not climate control such as you would receive in an indoor storage area. Make sure you find out whether your boat will be given an oil change before going into storage and a tune up if you plan to store your boat for a lengthy period of time such as a year or more.
When you start searching for boat storage, as sayings go, check your own back yard first. If you have a large back yard and zoning or homeowners association rules do not prohibit boat storage, consider storing your boat in your own back yard. If this is not an option, your proverbial back yard can include local boat warehouses, boat sheds, and outdoor boat storage facilities to name a few.
Outdoor boat storage facilities in southern states like Alabama are probably the easiest way to store your boat. These outdoor boat storage facilities are readily available if you need to storeyour boat in an emergency and have some of the most flexible storage terms around. Outdoor boat storage facilities are seldom completely full, virtually guaranteeing that you can store your boat there. Rates for outdoor boat storage facilities are usually less because less is provided meaning youll have to protect your boat from the elements.
Boat warehouses are perhaps the nicest choices because your boat is protected indoors and safe from weather hazards, tampering and accidental damage. Many boat warehouses have relatively easy terms and offer discounts for extended periods of storage. Using a boat warehouse does require you to have your boat shipped to the warehouse unless the service is provided in your rental fee.
Boat Storage
Owning a boat can be a great way to enjoy the water in a variety of ways. Speed boats are a pleasure to race for cash prizes or other awards. Sailboats let you enjoy the water at the pace that the wind blows the sails and moves the boat along the waves. Row boats, yachts and many other kinds of boats make water sports and pleasure boating some of the most enjoyable past times around.If you own a boat that is kept on the water, storing your boat may only be necessary when the weather is bad or when seasons change if you live in a state where the water freezes during the winter time. Perhaps the safest and most secure way to store your boat is to have a boat shed built on the water behind your home. This is probably the most expensive way to store your boat and is not transferable if you move to another home and want to take your boat with you.
Even if you do not live in an area where removing your boat is necessary in the winter, you still have occasions when you want to storeyour boat out of the water. Some of these occasions include when your boat is not in use for any extended length of time, if you keep your boat in an area that has periods where it is closed, and when in climate weather is threatening and an advisory has been sent out saying you need to remove your boat from the water.
Boat storage can be made simple and secure when you know the best places to store your boat and are sure that it will be kept safe and secure while it is there. If you are searching for boat storage, there are a few basic things you should know about where you plan to store your boat before you pay your money and put your boat in someones care.
Before you begin your search for boat storage, determine how long you will need to use the storage and what kind of storage you prefer. For example, there are boat storage areas very close to the water that simply places your boat in a hoist above the water and beneath a shed enclosure that protects it from direct exposure to the climate but not climate control such as you would receive in an indoor storage area. Make sure you find out whether your boat will be given an oil change before going into storage and a tune up if you plan to store your boat for a lengthy period of time such as a year or more.
When you start searching for boat storage, as sayings go, check your own back yard first. If you have a large back yard and zoning or homeowners association rules do not prohibit boat storage, consider storing your boat in your own back yard. If this is not an option, your proverbial back yard can include local boat warehouses, boat sheds, and outdoor boat storage facilities to name a few.
Outdoor boat storage facilities in southern states like Alabama are probably the easiest way to store your boat. These outdoor boat storage facilities are readily available if you need to storeyour boat in an emergency and have some of the most flexible storage terms around. Outdoor boat storage facilities are seldom completely full, virtually guaranteeing that you can store your boat there. Rates for outdoor boat storage facilities are usually less because less is provided meaning youll have to protect your boat from the elements.
Boat warehouses are perhaps the nicest choices because your boat is protected indoors and safe from weather hazards, tampering and accidental damage. Many boat warehouses have relatively easy terms and offer discounts for extended periods of storage. Using a boat warehouse does require you to have your boat shipped to the warehouse unless the service is provided in your rental fee.
Boat sheds are also a simple and secure
way to store your boat near the water or inland. Boat sheds are convenient and easy
storage that usually protects your boat on several sides but your boat is not
completely enclosed and should have its own covering to protect glass and
interior furnishings. Boat sheds are usually less expensive and more readily
available than boat warehouses. Boat sheds are a great choice for seasonal
storage such as winter but can also be used for longer periods of storage.
Many new and old boat owners choose to store their boats out of doors. Outdoors boat storageis popular with boat owners that have easy access to a lake where storing the boat on the lake or water is easiest and best. This will allow the boat owner and their family to have easy access to the water whenever they feel like taking a ride or going fishing. Having the boat stored outdoors on the water is extremely convenient and makes it easier to participate in last minute boat sports and water activities.
Boat owners who are not near the water or who are looking for long term storage solutions often store their boats on their own private property. In many areas this is usually the backyard. There are some areas in the southern United States where it is not uncommon to drive through an entire neighborhood and see dozens of boats sitting idle in backyards waiting to be used. Storing boats outdoors is usually done because of convenience and for financial reasons. Placing a boat outdoors on ones personal property is usually free and marinas and lakes usually do not charge much for boats to be docked permanently.
The downside to storing a boat outdoors is the elements. While many boat owners do not think the storage location of a boat is important at all there are others who have had their boats completely destroyed who will tell you differently. If an unexpected storm comes up and your boat is resting in the water it could easily be smashed to pieces right along side any other boat that is near it. When your boat is left sitting outdoors on your property overtime it will rust and deteriorate it as it is constantly exposed to inclement weather. This damage and deterioration will often lead to expensive repairs and in some cases it might be necessary to completely replace the boat.
An alternative to storing a boat outdoors is storing boats indoors at storage facilities that are specially designed for storing boats. These facilities are usually extremely close to local lakes and marinas making transportation back and forth easier to manage. In some cases the indoor storage facility will offer transportation assistance to their loyal customers. This is done to encourage boat owners to use their boats as often as possible without having to worry about the cost of transporting their boat back and forth between storage and lake front.
Indoor boat storage facilities are usually spacious offering boat owners the chance to properly maintain their boats. These storage facilities make it easy for boat owners to check their boats for damage and to even complete repairs. Some indoor facilities even boast their own mechanics making it easy for boat owners to hire someone onsite to complaint repairs to the boats. This space and feature becomes especially useful when a boat needs to be stored for long periods of time. Having an indoor storage space for your boat that can be used for repairs makes it easy to weather proof a boat before leaving it for a long period of time.
Where You Store Your Boat Matters
No matter where you live at and how often you boat all boat owners must face the dilemma of finding boat storage sooner or later. Boat storage must be found before going on long trips, when bad storms approach, and when the winter starts to draw near. New boat owners often find this task intimidating and are not prepared to make a decision when the time comes. To avoid having to make a hasty, last minute, decision that could lead to your boat being seriously damaged or destroyed it is important that all boat owners begin planning for storage as soon as they purchase their new boat.Many new and old boat owners choose to store their boats out of doors. Outdoors boat storageis popular with boat owners that have easy access to a lake where storing the boat on the lake or water is easiest and best. This will allow the boat owner and their family to have easy access to the water whenever they feel like taking a ride or going fishing. Having the boat stored outdoors on the water is extremely convenient and makes it easier to participate in last minute boat sports and water activities.
Boat owners who are not near the water or who are looking for long term storage solutions often store their boats on their own private property. In many areas this is usually the backyard. There are some areas in the southern United States where it is not uncommon to drive through an entire neighborhood and see dozens of boats sitting idle in backyards waiting to be used. Storing boats outdoors is usually done because of convenience and for financial reasons. Placing a boat outdoors on ones personal property is usually free and marinas and lakes usually do not charge much for boats to be docked permanently.
The downside to storing a boat outdoors is the elements. While many boat owners do not think the storage location of a boat is important at all there are others who have had their boats completely destroyed who will tell you differently. If an unexpected storm comes up and your boat is resting in the water it could easily be smashed to pieces right along side any other boat that is near it. When your boat is left sitting outdoors on your property overtime it will rust and deteriorate it as it is constantly exposed to inclement weather. This damage and deterioration will often lead to expensive repairs and in some cases it might be necessary to completely replace the boat.
An alternative to storing a boat outdoors is storing boats indoors at storage facilities that are specially designed for storing boats. These facilities are usually extremely close to local lakes and marinas making transportation back and forth easier to manage. In some cases the indoor storage facility will offer transportation assistance to their loyal customers. This is done to encourage boat owners to use their boats as often as possible without having to worry about the cost of transporting their boat back and forth between storage and lake front.
Indoor boat storage facilities are usually spacious offering boat owners the chance to properly maintain their boats. These storage facilities make it easy for boat owners to check their boats for damage and to even complete repairs. Some indoor facilities even boast their own mechanics making it easy for boat owners to hire someone onsite to complaint repairs to the boats. This space and feature becomes especially useful when a boat needs to be stored for long periods of time. Having an indoor storage space for your boat that can be used for repairs makes it easy to weather proof a boat before leaving it for a long period of time.
The major downside too many when it
comes to indoor boat storage is the price. It can be extremely expensive to
rent a large space for the storage of a boat. The price goes up if the storage
facility offers climate control, extensive security features, and more
benefits. Storage rates often increase along with the size of the boat making
it extremely expensive to store large boats that are perfect for families. Even
though the price of storing a boat indoors can be a deterrent for many it is
often well worth the money. Indoor storage
will help save you and your family money in the long run by helping to prevent
deterioration that could lead to serious boat repairs being necessary in the
If you own a boat that is kept on the water, storing your boat may only be necessary when the weather is bad or when seasons change if you live in a state where the water freezes during the winter time. Perhaps the safest and most secure way to store your boat is to have a boat shed built on the water behind your home. This is probably the most expensive way to store your boat and is not transferrable if you move to another home and want to take your boat with you.
Even if you do not live in an area where removing your boat is necessary in the winter, you still have occasions when you want to store your boat out of the water. Some of these occasions include when your boat is not in use for any extended length of time, if you keep your boat in an area that has periods where it is closed, and when in climate weather is threatening and an advisory has been sent out saying you need to remove your boat from the water.
Boat storage can be made simple and secure when you know the best places to store yourboat and are sure that it will be kept safe and secure while it is there. If you are searching for boat storage, there are a few basic things you should know about where you plan to store your boat before you pay your money and put your boat in someone’s care.
Before you begin your search for boatstorage, determine how long you will need to use the storage and what kind of storage you prefer. For example, there are boat storage areas very close to the water that simply places your boat in a hoist above the water and beneath a shed enclosure that protects it from direct exposure to the climate but not climate control such as you would receive in an indoor storage area. Make sure you find out whether your boat will be given an oil change before going into storage and a tune up if you plan to store your boat for a lengthy period of time such as a year or more.
When you start searching for boat storage, as sayings go, check your own back yard first. If you have a large back yard and zoning or homeowner’s association rules do not prohibit boat storage, consider storing your boat in your own back yard. If this is not an option, your proverbial back yard can include local boat warehouses, boat sheds, and outdoor boat storage facilities to name a few.
Boat warehouses are perhaps the nicest choices because your boat is protected indoors and safe from weather hazards, tampering and accidental damage. Many boat warehouses have relatively easy terms and offer discounts for extended periods of storage. Using a boat warehouse does require you to have your boat shipped to the warehouse unless the service is provided in your rental fee.
Boat Storage Made Simple and Secure
Owning a boat can be a great way to enjoy the water in a variety of ways. Speed boats are a pleasure to race for cash prizes or other awards. Sailboats let you enjoy the water at the pace that the wind blows the sails and moves the boat along the waves. Row boats, yachts and many other kinds of boats make water sports and pleasure boating some of the most enjoyable past times around.If you own a boat that is kept on the water, storing your boat may only be necessary when the weather is bad or when seasons change if you live in a state where the water freezes during the winter time. Perhaps the safest and most secure way to store your boat is to have a boat shed built on the water behind your home. This is probably the most expensive way to store your boat and is not transferrable if you move to another home and want to take your boat with you.
Even if you do not live in an area where removing your boat is necessary in the winter, you still have occasions when you want to store your boat out of the water. Some of these occasions include when your boat is not in use for any extended length of time, if you keep your boat in an area that has periods where it is closed, and when in climate weather is threatening and an advisory has been sent out saying you need to remove your boat from the water.
Boat storage can be made simple and secure when you know the best places to store yourboat and are sure that it will be kept safe and secure while it is there. If you are searching for boat storage, there are a few basic things you should know about where you plan to store your boat before you pay your money and put your boat in someone’s care.
Before you begin your search for boatstorage, determine how long you will need to use the storage and what kind of storage you prefer. For example, there are boat storage areas very close to the water that simply places your boat in a hoist above the water and beneath a shed enclosure that protects it from direct exposure to the climate but not climate control such as you would receive in an indoor storage area. Make sure you find out whether your boat will be given an oil change before going into storage and a tune up if you plan to store your boat for a lengthy period of time such as a year or more.
When you start searching for boat storage, as sayings go, check your own back yard first. If you have a large back yard and zoning or homeowner’s association rules do not prohibit boat storage, consider storing your boat in your own back yard. If this is not an option, your proverbial back yard can include local boat warehouses, boat sheds, and outdoor boat storage facilities to name a few.
Boat warehouses are perhaps the nicest choices because your boat is protected indoors and safe from weather hazards, tampering and accidental damage. Many boat warehouses have relatively easy terms and offer discounts for extended periods of storage. Using a boat warehouse does require you to have your boat shipped to the warehouse unless the service is provided in your rental fee.
Boat sheds are also a simple and secure
way to store your boat near the water or inland. Boat sheds are convenient and
easy storage that usually protects your boat on several sides but your boat is
not completely enclosed and should have its own covering to protect glass and
interior furnishings. Boat sheds are usually less expensive and more readily
available than boat warehouses. Boat sheds are a great choice for seasonal
storage such as winter but can also be used for longer periods of storage.
boats! How many of them actually know how to take care of their boats? That is a question whose answer can be debated and probably will be debated by many. The source of consternation usually revolves around boat storage and what is considered adequate versus inadequate. Most boat owners will agree that keeping your boat, which is usually a huge investment, on a trailer in your driveway is usually a sufficient boat storage strategy. Other owners will say that the best type of boat storage is to leave your water in the water. In addition to arguing about where to store a boat, many boat owners will debate whether or not responsible boat storage includes the use of some sort of boat cover.
Whatever side of the boat storage aisle you come down on, this article is sure to touch on one or more boat storage strategies that you are familiar with. Please read on for more boat storage strategies and tips.
Some boat owners prefer the rack storage or dry stack form of boat storage. When rack stored, a boat is kept in some form of cradle, if you will that is usually located in a covered or protected area. The major drawback to this type of boat storage is the fact that in order to use the boat, the owner will need to contact the boat storage provider first. The boat storage provider will then have the boat brought to the ground by utilizing some sort of crane or other lifting technique. The boat owner then gets to do it all over again, but in reverse when he is done with his boat and is ready to put it back into storage. This type of boat storage is nice for smaller boats. This is probably not a good form of boat storage for those of you who own larger type boats.
A boat slip available at your local marina is probably your bestboat storage option in my humble opinion. Boat storage of this nature is suitable for pretty much any sized boat. Marina slips are generally rented or bought. The cost of this type of boat storage is usually calculated by the marina owner based on the size of the boat that you will be storing in the slip. Purchasing a boat slip at a marina is usually a good investment so if you can afford to purchase this type of boat storage as opposed to renting it, I would strongly suggest you do so. Marinas that offer these types of services also offer other amenities more often than not. Amenities such as electrical connections, restroom, and security are just some of the perks associated with this type of boat storage. Many of these marinas even offer covered picnic areas for you and your family to share. This boat storage method is probably my favorite. I highly recommend it.
Although the thrust of this article is about boat storage in general and the different type of boat storage available to boat owners, I would be remiss if I didn't at least touch on the subject of some general boat maintenance strategies. Choosing a quality boat storage provider and strategy is basically useless if you don’t keep up with the maintenance of your boat to at least a small degree!
Cleaning and waxing your boat provides the best protection against the elements, regardless of what type of boat storage you decide to use.
More importantly, in my humble opinion, is the use of a quality cover to protect the interior of the boat from the elements of nature such as rain, wind, snow, etc. Exposing the interior of a boat to the elements year round will only serve to cause expensive damage, resulting in what can be large outlays of cash in the long term. Regardless of what boat storage methodology you ultimately go with, be sure to use protect your boat with a good boat cover!
boats! How many of them actually know how to take care of their boats? That is a question whose answer can be debated and probably will be debated by many. The source of consternation usually revolves around boat storage and what is considered adequate versus inadequate. Most boat owners will agree that keeping your boat, which is usually a huge investment, on a trailer in your driveway is usually a sufficient boat storage strategy. Other owners will say that the best type of boat storage is to leave your water in the water. In addition to arguing about where to store a boat, many boat owners will debate whether or not responsible boat storage includes the use of some sort of boat cover.
Whatever side of the boat storage aisle you come down on, this article is sure to touch on one or more boat storage strategies that you are familiar with. Please read on for more boat storage strategies and tips.
Some boat owners prefer the rack storage or dry stack form of boat storage. When rack stored, a boat is kept in some form of cradle, if you will that is usually located in a covered or protected area. The major drawback to this type of boat storage is the fact that in order to use the boat, the owner will need to contact the boat storage provider first. The boat storage provider will then have the boat brought to the ground by utilizing some sort of crane or other lifting technique. The boat owner then gets to do it all over again, but in reverse when he is done with his boat and is ready to put it back into storage. This type of boat storage is nice for smaller boats. This is probably not a good form of boat storage for those of you who own larger type boats.
A boat slip available at your local marina is probably your bestboat storage option in my humble opinion. Boat storage of this nature is suitable for pretty much any sized boat. Marina slips are generally rented or bought. The cost of this type of boat storage is usually calculated by the marina owner based on the size of the boat that you will be storing in the slip. Purchasing a boat slip at a marina is usually a good investment so if you can afford to purchase this type of boat storage as opposed to renting it, I would strongly suggest you do so. Marinas that offer these types of services also offer other amenities more often than not. Amenities such as electrical connections, restroom, and security are just some of the perks associated with this type of boat storage. Many of these marinas even offer covered picnic areas for you and your family to share. This boat storage method is probably my favorite. I highly recommend it.
Although the thrust of this article is about boat storage in general and the different type of boat storage available to boat owners, I would be remiss if I didn't at least touch on the subject of some general boat maintenance strategies. Choosing a quality boat storage provider and strategy is basically useless if you don’t keep up with the maintenance of your boat to at least a small degree!
Cleaning and waxing your boat provides the best protection against the elements, regardless of what type of boat storage you decide to use.
More importantly, in my humble opinion, is the use of a quality cover to protect the interior of the boat from the elements of nature such as rain, wind, snow, etc. Exposing the interior of a boat to the elements year round will only serve to cause expensive damage, resulting in what can be large outlays of cash in the long term. Regardless of what boat storage methodology you ultimately go with, be sure to use protect your boat with a good boat cover!
My strongest recommendation is to plan
ahead, understand your options, and decide on your preferred method of boat
storage before you even go out and buy your first boat. Be sure to clearly
understand the plusses and minuses of each boat storage method available to you
in your area of the country as some boat storage methods are preferred over
others in certain parts of the country due to weather patterns and
temperatures. Once you’ve done your research on acceptable boat storage methods in your area and have decided on one, go out and buy your
Before putting your expensive investment into boat storage for the season, you should always start with a good checklist of things to do prior to putting the boat “down for the winter”, so to speak. Such boat storage checklists exist all over the internet so a quick search should turn up loads of them. Although most of them are very complete, you should always modify the boat storage checklist that you choose with some of your own custom steps or information that is specific to your particular make and model of boat. Be sure to also take into consideration the weather where you live whenever you are planning to put your craft into boat storage for the season.
For example, your boat’s gas tank should always be topped of and oil should always be changed prior to putting it into storage for the year. Electronic devices and batteries should be removed to safe storage and not left out in the elements if you are opting for the “driveway” method of boat storage, meaning you simply plan on covering your boat and leaving it on the trailer in your driveway for the winter. Although this type of outdoor boat storage works for many boat owners, I prefer indoor boat storage or stacked storage myself. Indoor boat storage simply provides much more protection from the elements of nature than does outdoor trailer storage. However, this is a personal decision so feel free to use whatever type of boat storage that you prefer.
Be sure that you correct and repair any dings, cracks, etc on your boat before putting it into boat storage for the season. It just makes so much more sense to repair these types of issues prior to letting the boat sit in storage for months on end because small problems like this can become larger ones with time. Because of this fact, it is important that you perform repairs of such problems before storing the boat for the season.
Before putting your boat into boat storage for the season, you should always give it a good and thorough cleaning. Failure to give it a good wash before storing it away for several months is like to result in a few foul smelling surprises when it comes time to put it back out on the water a few months later. Going through your boat with a fine tooth comb and cleaning it up prior to putting it into storage is the best way to avoid such a mess when you get it out at the beginning of the following season.
How and where you will store your boat is an important decision. My personal preference is store my boat indoors in a climate controlled storage environment even though it is more expensive. I prefer this method of boat storage to the others because it affords the boat much more protection that simply covering it and leaving it outside in the elements. By keeping the boat indoors, it is totally protected from anything that nature can throw at it. Just be sure to properly support the hull whenever you decide to dry-store your boat. Failure to properly support he boat’s hull will certainly result in cracked bulkheads, engine misalignment, and other serious distortions that can very easily render your boat useless. This, of course, is never a good thing!
Boat Storage Tips
Summer and fall have come and gone. Days are short and cold and nights seem to last forever. If you are a boat owner and have not already done so, now is the time to winterize your boat and to get it into boat storage. This article will provide a few tips and tricks for ensuring a safe and sound slumber for your watercraft throughout winter while in boat storage. Please read on to learn more about what is required to safely put your boat into boat storage for the winter.Before putting your expensive investment into boat storage for the season, you should always start with a good checklist of things to do prior to putting the boat “down for the winter”, so to speak. Such boat storage checklists exist all over the internet so a quick search should turn up loads of them. Although most of them are very complete, you should always modify the boat storage checklist that you choose with some of your own custom steps or information that is specific to your particular make and model of boat. Be sure to also take into consideration the weather where you live whenever you are planning to put your craft into boat storage for the season.
For example, your boat’s gas tank should always be topped of and oil should always be changed prior to putting it into storage for the year. Electronic devices and batteries should be removed to safe storage and not left out in the elements if you are opting for the “driveway” method of boat storage, meaning you simply plan on covering your boat and leaving it on the trailer in your driveway for the winter. Although this type of outdoor boat storage works for many boat owners, I prefer indoor boat storage or stacked storage myself. Indoor boat storage simply provides much more protection from the elements of nature than does outdoor trailer storage. However, this is a personal decision so feel free to use whatever type of boat storage that you prefer.
Be sure that you correct and repair any dings, cracks, etc on your boat before putting it into boat storage for the season. It just makes so much more sense to repair these types of issues prior to letting the boat sit in storage for months on end because small problems like this can become larger ones with time. Because of this fact, it is important that you perform repairs of such problems before storing the boat for the season.
Before putting your boat into boat storage for the season, you should always give it a good and thorough cleaning. Failure to give it a good wash before storing it away for several months is like to result in a few foul smelling surprises when it comes time to put it back out on the water a few months later. Going through your boat with a fine tooth comb and cleaning it up prior to putting it into storage is the best way to avoid such a mess when you get it out at the beginning of the following season.
How and where you will store your boat is an important decision. My personal preference is store my boat indoors in a climate controlled storage environment even though it is more expensive. I prefer this method of boat storage to the others because it affords the boat much more protection that simply covering it and leaving it outside in the elements. By keeping the boat indoors, it is totally protected from anything that nature can throw at it. Just be sure to properly support the hull whenever you decide to dry-store your boat. Failure to properly support he boat’s hull will certainly result in cracked bulkheads, engine misalignment, and other serious distortions that can very easily render your boat useless. This, of course, is never a good thing!
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